Small Hydro Power (SHP) Programme
To harness the above potential of canal falls/dam toes, NEDA is undertaking job of identification, surveying and preparation of feasibility and detailed project reports. NEDA has prepared 10 nos. prefeasibility and detailed project reports upto 3MW capacity in the first phase and another ten feasibility reports have been prepared in second phase. The details of which are given here under.
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Govt. of India is providing various incentives in the form of limited subsidy on detailed survey & investigation(DSI), preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and interest subsidy for implementation of small hydro power projects. State Govt. of UP has also issued guidelines for private participation in developing micro/mini/small hydro power projects in Power evacuation facilities. In Uttar Pradesh, implementation of projects is being carried out by private developers through UPNEDA & Jal Vidyut Nigam, acting as nodal agency, as per Small hydro power policy 2009.
The total installed generating capacity of the state is 6160 MW out of which the share of hydro is 522.50 MW. Small hydro power project can playan important role to overcome power crisis by generating additional power. UPNEDA has been appointed as the nodal agency by MNRE, GoI for executing projects upto 25 MW. Implementation of identified SHP projects is being carried out by UPNEDA and Uttar Pradesh Jal Vidyut Nigam through private developers as per small hydro power policy 2009 of state government. Power generated from small hydro power projects can be used through grid network of UP Power corporation Ltd. Or supply the power directly to the consumers (stand alone) in remote village where no grid network is available.
NEDA has vast experience in identification, survey and investigation, design, implementation, operation and maintenance, as well as management of micro/mini/small hydro power projects